Monday, September 25, 2017

Earliest Memory/Lie

The earliest memory that I can remember is when i was about 2 1/2 years old. My mom and dad brought Sarah home from the hospital and my grandma was staying home with us. I always helped my mom get Sarah dressed in the morning and my favorite thing to do was put on her socks. I think this is the earliest memory I can remember because it so exciting because I was finally a big sister and it was the happiest day.

I was probably around 4-5, and the first lie that I remember; we had a toy vacuum and I was mad so I hit it against something and broke it. We had a huge doll house at the time and the back of it was open so I hid the vacuum in it and put the open back up against the wall so my mom didn't find it. When my mom was cleaning and found it I lied and said it wasn't me that broke it.

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