Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Same-sex Marriage Case

I think it was kind of pointless for the couple to take this argument to court; however, the judge should have at least listened to what the couple had to say since they did take it to court. I get that the company did not want to shoot the video because of their religious beliefs, but companies are not allowed to refuse service to a certain race or person because of their skin color; that is discrimination and that is prohibited by the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964. This company was refusing service based off of their genders and who they were marrying, that is discrimination because you are categorizing a person based off of who they are.

Same-sex relationships have been around for a long time and same-sex marriage is now becoming a thing and it will probably get a lot more common so even if you do not agree with it, some people are just going to have to get used to it. I think the company should have shot the video even though they did not agree with the marriage. They are humans just like the rest of us and should be treated just like anyone else. The company was still going to get the same amount of money and instead of taking the video, they refused to and got terrible publicity.

Amending the 1st Amendment

I would change the 1st amendment and add freedom of privacy. This would include everything, even privacy of our phones; which is a big thing with the new iPhone X coming out which has face recognition. We would have the freedom of privacy unless the government or anyone has a reason to go through our stuff.

1st Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceable to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances; or invade our privacy without a reason to.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Earliest Memory/Lie

The earliest memory that I can remember is when i was about 2 1/2 years old. My mom and dad brought Sarah home from the hospital and my grandma was staying home with us. I always helped my mom get Sarah dressed in the morning and my favorite thing to do was put on her socks. I think this is the earliest memory I can remember because it so exciting because I was finally a big sister and it was the happiest day.

I was probably around 4-5, and the first lie that I remember; we had a toy vacuum and I was mad so I hit it against something and broke it. We had a huge doll house at the time and the back of it was open so I hid the vacuum in it and put the open back up against the wall so my mom didn't find it. When my mom was cleaning and found it I lied and said it wasn't me that broke it.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Teaching an Amendment

15th Amendment

1. This amendment said that all men (since women weren’t allowed to vote yet) who were citizens of the United States were allowed to vote no matter what their race or skin color is.

2. The 15th amendment was ratified in 1870. This amendment was and was not successful. It was because a lot of the colored people in the north were free and could vote, but since the 13th amendment was just passed about 5 years ago, the slavery wasn’t completely gone yet so the colored people in the south still couldn’t vote even though it was legal for them to.

3. Today this amendment still means the same; all men are allowed to vote no matter their race or skin color. Today this amendment is more successful because slavery has been illegal for a long time so more colored people feel safer going to vote because they don’t have people killing them for wanting to vote.

4. Even though we don’t see it, there is still slavery going on in our country somewhere, so those people still aren’t allowed to vote even though it is allowed.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Classical Conditioning Advertisement

Unconditioned Stimulus: Brad Pitt
Conditioned Stimulus: The perfume
Unconditioned Response: Attraction to Brad Pitt
Conditioned Response: The want to have the perfume because Brad Pitt is in the commercial